
We offer free medical care and support medical education, from internships to full certification.


Firestone Natural Rubber operates a full-service referral hospital – the Firestone Medical Center – with 300 beds, and two regional clinics strategically located in the concession area, delivering medical care at no cost for Firestone Natural Rubber teammates and their dependents, and services offered at a minimal cost to the general public in cases of emergency care and prenatal well-baby services.

Our Hospitals

Firestone Liberia offers free healthcare for all teammates and their dependents.


Bed hospital and two full-service clinics


Babies delivered each year


Medical visits per month

Providing Quality Care

Firestone Natural Rubber’s medical team consists of approximately 150 employees and contractors. The company’s prenatal care program, available to employees and their dependents and to persons from outside the concession, has done much to improve the health of both mothers and children while also helping to reduce the country’s maternity-related death rate. In 2020, Firestone Natural Rubber’s medical team performed a total of 654 newborn deliveries of which 133 were the children of Firestone teammates and 521 the children of non-teammates.

Helping Children

Since 2010, Firestone Natural Rubber has fostered a partnership with Children Surgery International (CSI), which has completed eight surgical missions at the Firestone Liberia Medical Center. As of the 2020 mission, more than 1,000 surgeries were performed free of charge, benefitting children from across Liberia with lifesaving and life-changing surgeries, procedures and care that, in many cases, would not otherwise be available in country. Because of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the 2021 and 2022 CSI surgical missions at Firestone Natural Rubber did not take place. Firestone Natural Rubber is now working with CSI on planning details for a 2023 mission.

Children’s Surgery International - One Child at a Time
Fighting Disease

Fighting Disease

Firestone Natural Rubber was on the frontlines of the ebola crisis in 2014 and 2015, and helped save thousands of lives within the concession and in surrounding communities through its prevention and care measures. The company’s leading efforts were recognized by a number of global health organizations, including the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In addition, the President of Liberia awarded Firestone Natural Rubber the 2015 Knight Grand Commander of the Humane Order of African Redemption in recognition of the company’s heroic efforts during the country’s Ebola crisis.

Global Partnerships

Global Partnerships

Firestone Natural Rubber partners with UNICEF and the Liberian Ministry of Health to store and administer vaccines and medications to protect Liberians from numerous diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria. This vaccine program not only serves Firestone Liberia employees and their dependents, but also residents in surrounding communities.